Thursday, February 7, 2008

buy something

I've been in many businesses over the years, and have been through economic ups and downs through all these years. In reflecting what we are going through as a country, and as a world I remember back in about 1990 and a big add that" Land Rover" took out in newspapers around the country ( probably around the world) at the time. It was a full page and fairly wordy- so to paraphrase, it spoke that we were in tough times and that everyone was scared & being very cautious ,but at these times we had to DO something and that the best thing to get the economy going is if everyone would just go out and "buy something". Now I know that that is simplistic, but in reality very true. I don't mean that we should all go out & spend foolishly and without thought, but if we all buy a little something we will keep the economy rolling along. This may sound self serving,with my owning a retail store, but I have to buy something from other people with the money someone spends with me. And the cycle begins, and grows. Just a thought in the midst of the media's doom & gloom projections. M

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