Monday, May 5, 2008

Memories-The Legacy

My daughter, granddaughter & I just got back from a "girl's weekend".My grand-daughter just turned 8 and this was a weekend of firsts. 1st- cab ride 1st-trip to NYC 1st-pedicab ride (what a riot, 1st for her mom too ) 1st broadway show and many more firsts. We drove and the time spent with my daughter flashing back to adventures in her youth was truly priceless and the memories were not only the "big" trips. The excitement in my grand-daughter's eyes will live with me always. This was a "big" adventure for her, and I hope it brings fond memories to her in the future, not for the big excitements , but for the laughing and sharing of the time together . I encourage you all to put time aside in your wacky, stress full lives and create some memories with your children (walking the beach and talking is a big one for my kids). Someday they will create memories with their children and it will bring them back to times in their past.The layers of memories are the true legacy that we all leave behind- and we often forget to savor them when they're being created.

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